Charles R. Vermace

Engineer – Woodworker

Latest Posts:

  • Her Lofty Perch

    Tova, the loyal shop dog and reliable trigger-happy alarm system, came to us as a rescue from Northern Minnesota. Accompanying her unknown sojourns of the great North came welcome habits and one or two unwelcome instincts. If prey is afoot, she is of a single mind; the most tempting treats struggle to break her pointed…

  • Alpine Adirondacks

    As many upper-Midwesters might, I have accumulated a small stockpile of old alpine skis ranging from classic Harts, to battered Dynastar rentals. Like any self-respecting thrifter, I’ve intended to use these free skis for something. As we move into grilling season, we’re finding we have a need for additional seating in the backyard. I could…

  • Workbench Build

    At the heart of many shops is a sturdy workbench. I’ve been using an inexpensive WhiteGate bench (thanks craigslist) for several years and have made-do with the help of a handful of bench dogs, planing stops, and two very important screws securing this rickety bench to the wall studs. In short, the construction of a…

  • Shooting Board

    I’ve been slowly building up a hand tool-based shop infrastructure. Not that I don’t use machines (my table saw features prominently in my shop), but the quieter, safer, and built-in workout offer a more fulfilling shop time. The use of hand tools is made more enjoyable and more effective with bench accessories; few are more…

  • Outlet Extender

    The limitations and challenges in our living room are becoming a theme. Outlets around our house are placed sporadically and the happy receptacles often land squarely behind furniture. Without moving furniture each time we want to find an outlet, our flailing plug-in efforts are about as graceful as a T-Rex at the sit-and-reach. To forego…

  • Couch Shelf

    In our small living room, little space remains for setting drinks, books, or any other item requiring a semi-flat surface. What was needed? I had three goals in mind: Create a stable surface to support drinks, books, laptops, etc. Avoid floor-supported systems to prevent accidental spills from an over active dog. Provide additional storage for…

  • Office Shelves

    COVID has kept us working from home over the last couple of years, but now that we’re getting back into a hybrid office routine, we’ve decided to consolidate our home offices. With the move comes the need for better office storage…including the ubiquitous house plants. I had a few guiding criteria for the design and…

  • Wall Cabinet

    My extended family has a tradition of a homemade gift exchange around Christmas. Every year, the elder generation declares a theme and the rest of us arrive with our crafts in tow. The gifts have ranged from motorized, pewter biplane mobiles, to wall clocks up-cycled from old table saw blades. Last year, we were to…